Lawrence Gimenez


Mobile Development












Dad Blog



Bug Hunting









Photo Journal

: My /uses/ as of July 2024 Terminal Setup iTerm2 Build 3.5.3 Monaspace Argon font by GitHub Nord Theme Android Development …

: UITextView using TextKit 1 I received this warning and was surprised to know that there are 2 TextKits, TextKit 1 and 2 in the …

: SwiftUI Text highlights and menu SwiftUI’s Text() view does not support custom colored highlights and custom menus. …

: Gradle Version Catalogs I migrated our Gradle dependency management to Gradle’s new version catalog. It’s very …

: Gemini in Android Studio While everyone is on the AI train, I am still somewhat skeptical. AI is everywhere, it has come to a …

: Kotlin Serialization Shenanigans It’s been a while since I did some serialization implementation on Android. I forgot how …

: Rate My Setup Coding on TV might be one of my favorite developer setups. This was done via Apple’s Mirror …

: iOS Panic My phone suddenly restarted and went into a full-blown panic. After restarting, there were some …

: Lucas app v0.1 Yesterday I developed a new typing notepad app for my kid with text-to-speech feature. I wrote a …

: 2024 Goals I should write here more often. This is one of the few goals I have for 2024, personally. 2023 was …

: Thank you Retro I just want to say thank you to Retro App for their Postcard feature. I was able to send a postcard …

: Single Dot Crash It’s amazing how a single dot can crash the whole app. Xcode should throw a compile error, but …

: My 2023 Spotify Wrapped

: cook-canton.go Found a funny reel on Facebook titled From Coder to Cooker. The person was cooking pancit canton …

: Apple Vision Ready OnlineJobs app now works on Apple’s visionOS.

: VersionedSchema Protocol Updates After updating to Xcode 15 beta 7, I got a VersionedSchema error saying that does not conform to …

: Build Go programs with GitHub modules present I was hit with an error when I try to run a Go script, go run somescript.go. This is a note to my …

: Throwback Android Developer Google Group Out of the blue, I remember that I was in a Google Group community of Filipino Android developers …

: That Annoying Xcode 15 IDELogRedirectionPolicy This issue will cause debugging on either device or simulator to slow down to a crawl. For future …

: Chess Milestone: Advanced to Legend A few days ago, I was able to advance to the most elite division of, the legend division. …

: Sharing from Linux to macOS Note: The OS versions I used here are macOS Sonoma 14 Beta 3 and Fedora Workstation 38. On the first …

: API I recently recovered my account, which was one of the top music services before Spotify or …

: WWDC 2023 I just realized that I have not written something or anything about Apple’s WWDC 2023. I was …

: Thoughts on Stack Overflow 2023 Survey Note: I always participate in this survey every year. Developer Type On the developer type question, …

: Stack Overflow Keycap Reward My tiny reward from Stack Overflow arrived yesterday, a small single keycap. I won it when I …

: r/BusinessPH will be going dark The sub r/BusinessPH will join the Reddit blackout on June 12 - 14, 2023, this is in solidarity with …

: dSYM workaround in Xcode 14 Starting with Xcode 14, Bitcode has been deprecated. So, in our team’s case, it is impossible …

: Underwhelming Google I/O 2023 After watching half of the Google I/O Keynote, I had to close the video because it was starting to …

: SwiftUI Tap Anywhere Today I learned how to implement tap anywhere to dismiss the keyboard on SwiftUI. In your parent …

: YouTube Coding 3 days ago I uploaded on YouTube my coding in SwiftUI, working on a couple of simple bug fixes for …

: Chess Milestone I achieved a very rare milestone last night. I had a 10-game winning streak in a …

: Xylophone App In roughly an hour or two, I created an iOS app for our son who loves playing his Xylophone. I came …

: Fedora 38 Released Just installed Fedora 38. So far, no issues found. The default wallpaper sucks though.

: Sound of Metal Movie Just finished watching the movie Sound of Metal. It was a great film and just found out that it was …

: New MacBook Air M2 My new Macbook came in today, from my sister in Houston. Thank you! Coming from Macbook Pro 2015 …

: Early Birthday Gift My wife gifted me an early present, a Fitbit. Thank you so much! I love you! I used to have a Huawei …

: Jetpack Compose Journey Part 1 This will be my first time delving into Jetpack Compose for a rewrite of our existing app. I believe …

: Belated Happy Birthday To My Wife After a very busy day yesterday, there was not enough time to post a greeting here. Happy birthday …

: Google I/O 2023 It’s that time of the year. I’m surprised that Google announced the event this early.

: New Home My wife and I are proud homeowners today. After 3 years in the making, we finally got the keys to …

: Diablo Immortal on Linux I was able to run Diablo Immortal on Linux, despite only being available on iOS, Android, and …

: My first contribution to Google/Android I just had my first GitHub contribution to Android/Google merged into their codebase. I have never …

: Bought ThinkPad T480 Yesterday I bought a ThinkPad T480 for 17,000 PHP or ~315 USD. It has 512 SSD storage and 16GB RAM …

: Leftover Android Studios Thanks to this Reddit post, I just found out that you could remove unused Android Studio cache or …

: Books I've Read this 2022 I haven’t read that many books this year. For 2023, I hope I would be able to improve my …

: My Personal Feedbin Reader - v0.2.1 The name of my personal Feedbin reader is called FeedMe. The more I worked on it the more it feels …

: My personal Feedbin Reader - v0.2 In three days, I developed my own Feedbin Reader since the official one is not written in native. In …

: Philippines Top 10 In Pivoting to Clean Energy According to MIT, the Philippines is one of the countries pivoting towards clean energy. Perhaps we …

: Updating old Android codebase An old client of mine contacted me to fix some bugs and the tricky part was that I have to update an …

: GCF on Hacker News In high school, in me and my brother’s room, I had a vandal of a phrase on my wall saying On …

: Android Studio Render Problem If you encounter a Render Problem issue on your Android Studio, like the one below. The solution I …

: Reddit Gift Reddit made an error with their Premium and in turn, they gifted me with 21,000 coins. I would never …

: Android Job Post Nostalgia Just found this photo of a newspaper ad for an Android Developer job post. This was my first break …

: Xcode 14.1 Beta 3 New Splash? I just saw this new Xcode splash screen for the first time. This popped up on Xcode 14.1 Beta 3. …

: One of the Top Mobile Developers in Cebu Before this gets purged on the internet or LinkedIn. Back in 2018, someone messaged me on LinkedIn …

: Weekend Project: My personal project for this weekend is to migrate my portfolio from my old WordPress blog to my …

: My Wife's Pregnancy Journey Just happen to see this picture again in my photo library and I am still amazed at how strong my …

: SwiftUI: How to use NavigationStack inside the .toolbar First, why do I mostly find a solution after posting a Stackoverflow question? So most examples and …

: BuildException Error Updated last night to the latest Android Studio Dolphin build but encountered this annoying build …

: Compiling iOS Project in GitHub Actions While setting up YAML with GitHub Actions, it seems the build failed. These are the steps I took to …

: OnlineJobs is iOS 16 Ready I just compiled our codebase to the latest Xcode 14 RC and everything looks good during testing. I …

: Our Son Turned 4 Our kid turned 4 this week. We came back to the hotel where he was still tiny. Where we had to …

: Stackoverflow Chat Recent History Backup I just want to post my Stackoverflow recent chat history for nostalgic purposes. I hope that day …

: Legacy Android Library - Networking Valley 7 years ago I open-sourced my first Android library on GitHub. And shared it to my fellow Android …

: Mixpanel Code Refactor Our app uses Mixpanel for analytical and strategic purposes. This post is about my refactoring …

: Manjaro WTF!? Just today I read two bad news regarding Manjaro Linux. The first one is why you shouldn’t use …

: My First Professional Android Project I found my first “professional” Android project while backing up data from my old …

: Be Nice To Your Mobile Developers We need more wholesome reviews like the photo below. I received this notification this morning and I …

: Stay Safe Bug During the Covid pandemic, every country has its own app or service to help track and monitor …

: Became a Subreddit Moderator Last night I was invited to moderate the subreddit /pinoyprogrammer to which I have been …

: Compiling Android on the Command Line First of all, I am on Manjaro Xfce environment for this example. We need to install Gradle. I tried …

: Legacy Projects Part 1 Development Date: Last Quarter 2012 This was one of my app ideas back in 2012 where users can save …

: Familiarizing Linux Again Part 2 So I was able to install Manjaro KDE last night because the new USB drive was delivered yesterday. I …

: Diablo Immortal My wife and I started playing Diablo Immortal yesterday and I’m so happy she’s enjoying …

: The Curse of Monkey Island Game Revisit Since the upcoming return of the game franchise, Monkey Island was everywhere on the gaming news. …

: Smartmatic Hacked by Kids I just found out that the XSOX group has been arrested. It turns out, they’re just some kids …

: Familiarizing Linux Again After more than 5 years on macOS, I’m excited that I get the chance to use Linux again. My …

: Social Distortion - Bad Luck Cover This made me feel old. This is one of my favorite Social Distortion songs and the song was covered …

: Git Checkout to Switch I have finally made the switch from using mainly git checkout develop to git switch develop And a …

: SwiftUI Journey Part 11: Passing parameters Right now I am still figuring out how to pass a parameter from one View to another. I read I need to …

: SwiftUI Journey Part 10: Settings I can’t believe how easy it is to implement a settings page in SwiftUI. For the UI, I only …

: WWDC 2022 I haven’t yet written about this year’s WWDC 2022. In fact, I am still going through all …

: URLRequest not working right away in macOS (AppKit)? URLRequest not working right away in macOS (AppKit)? Do not forget to enable network capabilities in …

: Xcode 14 Multiplatform Migration First Look The next version for OnlineJobs will be migrated to Xcode Multiplatform. So far it is looking great. …

: Post-Covid Vacation Part 3 A lot has happened this week. Wedding Anniversary Last Thursday was our wedding anniversary. We …

: Pre iOS 16 - Last home screenshot This is the last phone screenshot before Apple introduces iOS 16 later today. Of course, I will …

: Post-Covid Vacation Part 2 Lucas has been settling well into his new morning routine and every car ride activity for the past …

: Android's own HTTP library I always wonder why Android doesn’t have its own HTTP library. They stopped supporting Volley …

: Post-Covid Vacation Part 1 Day 1 Today is the first time my family has gone out together for about 2 years before Covid hits, …

: Hiring for Android SDK We are in search of “a Android SDK”. Why do I get the feeling that this email was …

: Late Git Tagging Git tagging is useful for marking the point of the release cycle of a version. But sometimes, we …

: SwiftUI Journey Part 9: WKNavigationDelegate Next on the task is how to extend the class WKNavigationDelegate so I can call the …

: SwiftUI Journey Part 8: Using WebView in macOS There is no WebView in SwiftUI, so you have to use the NSViewRepresentable class. import SwiftUI …

: So, this is what AppKit’s TabView looks like. Not really sure if I like it or not. Might need …

: Interview about Ethical Hacking I was supposed to be interviewed by the Grade 11 STEM Students from Marist School, Marikina, about …

: SwiftUI Journey Part 6: Async/Await with SwiftUI Today I learned how to call async/await functions with SwiftUI. This has the same flow with the sign …

: Several updates went out from Apple today: macOS Monterey 12.4, Xcode 13.4, iOS 15.5 and several …

: IT Outsourcing I read this article today about IT outsourcing and how it is affected by the war in Ukraine. Ukraine …

: Today is me and my wife’s anniversary! 6 years ago she said yes to me. Time flies!

: Google I/O 2022 Part 2 So far I have watched the Google I/O Keynote and What’s New With Android 13. And read a couple …

: Google I/O 2022 Part 1 Today marks my 10th Google I/O. There is still a lot of new information to check out later. But the …

: I wonder what’s wrong with Firefox?

: Android Studio Chipmunk The only clear difference I noticed is Android Studio’s About page. So simple, I bet they …

: Outdated Apple Documentation alert in macOS Human Interface Guidelines. Did Apple mean macOS 12?

: SwiftUI Journey Part 5: Sign In To Home View On iOS, to transition from a SignInViewController to HomeViewController after the user successfully …

: SwiftUI Journey Part 4: OnlineJobs for macOS Coming Soon Soon. Written in SwiftUI. So far I am completely sold to SwiftUI. As long as I don’t have to …

: This is my current dock. As you can see I work mainly on Xcode and Android Studio. I just want to …

: Jetpack Compose Not Stable Yet Jetpack Compose is not yet stable. I could not just make it work in an existing project. There seems …

: Happy Mother's Day To My Wife! Happy Mother’s Day to my wife. Thank you for everything that you do and I’m so proud of …

: What's your signature code? What’s your signature code? Mine is initViews(), short for “initialize views”. …

: iOS 15.5 Developer Beta 4 I installed the latest iOS 15.5 Dev Beta build and so far I haven’t experienced any serious bugs or …

: New Album Alert: Terror - Pain Into Power I liked the new Terror album. Reminds me of there old albums Lowest of the Low and One With The …

: Finished reading: Checkmate in Berlin by Giles Milton. Very interesting read, there were some really …

: SwiftUI Journey Part 3 Now, the frames are static. I need the frames to be resizable. Time to Google. So eventually, you …

: SwiftUI Journey Part 2 Time to implement the sign in page. Welp. Ahh, forgot the frame(). struct SignInView: View { var …

: SwiftUI Journey Part 1: Initial Commit The start of something new in the form of SwiftUI for the macOS platform. I have no significant …

: Why Is Hardcore Music Not Popular? In my teenage up to college years, I was into hardcore music. My friends are in a hardcore band. I …

: Flutter Development Reaction Part 1 I spent majority of my mobile development career on native app development, mainly Kotlin and Swift. …

: Migrate Android build configuration from Groovy to Kotlin Here are the steps I did when I migrated our Android build to Kotlin. Long story short, the reasons …

: Hobby Project - For my upcoming birthday, I decided to write a program just for the fun of it. My initial idea was …

: Low Priority Bug I was signing up for when out of curiosity, I look around in their public HTML code and …

: Stackoverflow Developer Story Farewell Since Stackoverflow will sunset Developer Story, I feel a little sad because this feature has been a …

: Day in the Life of a Developer Dad 7:14 AM My day begins with washing the milk bottles and the utensils of our 3 year old son. We don’t …

: Postmortem: ProGuard is annoying This morning I received several crash reports from last night's release. I wasn't able to replicate …

: UIKit Drawing Tutorial Fix I tried the tutorial from but the behavior was incorrect. The canvas or …

: Submitting Urgent Hotfix and Apple Wasted Time I've been releasing several versions on the App Store for over 2 years now and then Apple suddenly …

: Books I've Read Last 2021 For 2021, I really haven’t read that many books. So compared to last year’s list, this would be …

: Thank you Android! I just finished reading Androids by Chet Haase, about the development journey of the Android …

: iOS 15 Button Title If you encountered default titles on your UIButton when using setImage() like my situation below. As …

: Realm Kotlin Tutorial First things first, make sure you followed the official Realm tutorial on how to install it on your …

: Call Multiple APIs using Coroutines Every time my app starts, I need to call 2-3 URL endpoints to get the latest data from the API. …

: Bluetooth printer scanning using Kotlin One of the requirements of my current project is to be able to establish Bluetooth connection and …

: My 9th Google I/O This week was all about Google I/O and this year was my 9th year watching the event. I enjoyed this …

: Pass list of objects in Intent using Kotlin Every Android developer is familiar with passing data between Activities using Bundle. The old Java …

: OnlineJobs for iOS (v4.5.2) Bug Last week, it was one of those times where you know something went wrong when suddenly you get …

: Bintray Shutting Down Next month, JFrog will shut down JCenter and Bintray and my experience with their service will go …

: Dynamic TableViewCell Height I'm going to demonstrate on how I achieved the dynamic height for my UITableViewCell. Below is what …

: Nobody designs for small iPhone devices anymore Nobody designs for small iPhone devices anymore. Why do I say this? Well, if you've been rocking the …

: Code Refactoring: First Loom Video In programming, you always encounter duplicate code blocks. The best thing to do is to place it in a …

: Keepr Storage Bug Last year, I found a bug on Keepr Storage's Android app. It has the same bug as of Globe Telecom's …

: Play Looping Video using Swift Playing a looping video in iOS is fairly simple but there's a catch. You need to declare …

: Government and its Test Pages Philippine government sites are filled with "Test Pages". Not sure if this is just pure …

: Most active GitHub users in the Philippines Just came upon this site while I was browsing, Based on …

: Create a camera shutter in Swift I'm going to show how I achieved the camera shutter button and animation using Swift, more or less …

: Create a custom camera preview using Swift If you are looking to create your own camera on iOS, I will demonstrate how I did it on my end. …

: 2020 Was a Mixed Year Mixed year because as good as the metrics are compared to last year, it saddens me that a huge …

: Mobile App Dev 101: Technical Error Prompts are a no-no Technical error prompts are a no-no. But not that important to submit a quick fix to your pipeline. …

: Books I’ve Read This 2020 As we close off the year 2020, I just want to share the books that I enjoyed reading. Some of this …

: Go Manila Bug I found a simple vulnerability of GoManila, the app from Manila's Office of the Mayor. The app is …

: Globe Telecom Rewards Bug I discovered that the Globe rewards app is communicating over insecure HTTP and because of this, it …

: Mass Delete Firebase Authenticated Users sudo pip install firebase-admin import firebase_admin from firebase_admin import credentials from …

: Google Maps and Directions API using Kotlin I will implement below on how to implement Google Maps and Directions API using Kotlin and we are …

: Implement Chromecast on iOS using Swift I am going to implement Google’s Chromecast on iOS using Swift. I will be using Google Chromecast 2 …

: G Suite Happy Ending Somehow, I got Google's attention. A representative of Google (I am not sure if I can mention his …

: G Suite Horror Story Yesterday my life long Gmail account has been deleted by Google because I integrated it with G Suite …

: Implementing the expandable cell in iOS UITableView I’m going to implement below on how to create the expandable UITableView cell for example on iOS …

: Weezer Original URL:… just got the new Weezer record Hurley …

: Rhod Gilbert Original URL:… He could very well be the funniest …

: The Swellers Original URL:… Get this record by any means …

: Straight Edge Comic Original URL:… I stumbled upon this on the web. The …

: Alpha and Omega Original URL:… At the back of my mind I always hold …

: I’m Here by Spike Jonze I was introduced to Spike Jonze by the movie “Where the Wild Things Are” and nothing else. …

: Lamps! Original URL:… I bought this lamp days ago and I …

: Off With Their Heads Original URL:… A good ol’ punk rock album is hard to …

: Perspectives on Drug Free Culture Original URL:… Outside looking in, the filmmakers …

: Polar Bear Club Original URL:… Polar Bear Club has redefined post …

: Straight Edge and Proud Original URL:… I’ve been straight edge since May 1, …

: The Ghost Writer Original URL:… I’ve watched this film two days ago, I …

: Trapped Under Ice Original URL:… If one would say that this is a …