Lawrence Gimenez

G Suite Happy Ending

Somehow, I got Google's attention.

A representative of Google (I am not sure if I can mention his name here, but I would love to, let me know) contacted me on LinkedIn and that he would like to help out on my G Suite problem. This is nice, straight from Mountain View.

Minutes later, someone from their APAC office called me to check up on my situation and I run down the events that happened. Their representative invited me on a calendar to a Hangout Meet, I shared my screen, logged in to my account, then figuring out and debugging. Unfortunately, there’s not much that they can do about it. And that he will talk to his managers in Mountain View.

After a few minutes, Google rep from LinkedIn called me personally and told me they were very sorry, and they will make sure this will never happen again to me or anyone. And he also said he will escalate this to the managers. That was comforting for him to call me.

A few minutes before 6PM (local time), a Google Engineer called me and that they are trying to check if they can recover my files, my emails, etc. He instructed me to cancel my new G Suite account again so they can proceed. There's hope.

Hours after, I received a couple of emails from Google’s Technical Solutions Engineers and updating me of the status of the recovery, telling me that they should be able to recover my upgraded personal/business email along with all my data.

As of today, I was able to retrieve all my data, emails, files, docs, sheets, photos, etc.

I would like to thank Google for the effort and time to bring back my data, files and email. I am not sure if everyone on the Help Forum has the same recovery process I encountered in this post but I hope they do. I know I am not the only one who encountered this “upgrade” based on the forums, I wish Google will highlight on the signing up process that there is no way going back to your personal once you “unlock”.

Anyway, many thanks to Google and their managers, engineers who went out of their way to help me. Now it's time to backup some data.